Monday, September 20, 2010

The "The Way I Do" Sessions

So many people have begged and pleaded with us to be allowed behind the scenes and to view our top secret recording sessions,(with our brilliant and talented new singer) that Christian compassion alone has compelled us to post these super exclusive pictures. We hope to premier the song in about a month when our beautiful singer gets back from partying in Missouri.

The whole band is rockin’. Sherman Oaks may never be the same.
Ellis scowling at a f#7th suspended chord.

Darrell only knows one way to play…that maybe his eventual downfall.


Carissa thanking the imaginary crowd for coming.
Kevin playing the funniest note he knows.
Right in the middle of the song, Gregg remembers last night’s dessert.

This was not part of our recording sessions. Those easily disgusted will want to take a pass on this. Sure the internet and Youtube has brought us many delightful things that we never would have seen otherwise. But it also brought us stuff like this. What gets into some people’s heads?

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